Weekly Workouts & Happenings 1/13 – 1/19

Week of January 13 – January 19:

This post is going to be short and sweet.  I wasn’t very good about taking pictures this week, so I don’t want to bore you with nothing but text.

Monday (1/13): Yoga, 60 minutes.  Bought my mom her very own yoga mat for her birthday and it was enough to convince her to come to a class with me and my friend Katie.  Unfortunately, I failed to notice that this was a Level II class and my mom didn’t look to happy with me as we sped through sun salutations and flows and other more complicated asanas.

Wednesday (1/15):  No workouts.  However, my mom, her friend, and I attended the ’50 Shades! The Musical. The Original Parody.’  It was a musical joking the book and how ridiculous the plot is and taking stabs at the absurd drama that unfolds.  I mean really, the writing level was equivalent to that of an eighth grader.  The musical was raunchy and hilarious. It was a fun girls night out with my mom!

Thursday (1/16):  3 miles (intervals)/Hot Yoga (75 minutes).  Met up with RunFriend and another runner from our local running club at 6AM; it was freezing!  We ran to the local high school track and took on some intervals…

  • 1/2 mile warm up run to the track
  • 4 x 400 sprints with 400m recovery after each (first interval @ 6:20 pace; the average pace for intervals was @ 6:41 pace)
  • 1/2 mile run back to cars, for a total of 3 miles

After work, I headed to Hot Yoga for 75 minutes of pure sweat.



Saturday (1/18):  Meg’s Miles.  2.25 miles (21:35; avg pace:  9:35). Ab workout. I wasn’t planning on running on Saturday, but I woke up and wanted nothing more than to go out, get some fresh air, and have some quiet alone time.  I knew that although I was alone, I was really in the company of hundreds, even thousands of runners who were out there running for Meg.  Usually when I’m out running, even when I’m on a crowded trail, it doesn’t occur to me that there are countless runners out doing the same.  Saturday’s run, although quiet, was tremendously loud.  Right now, the Facebook page for Meg’s Miles says 99,003 individuals declared themselves as “going” to run last Saturday.  That’s a very loud run.  The running community continues to surprise, fascinate, and warm my heart everyday.  It’s undeniable that we, runners, are a breed/species/type of our own.  I will continue to appreciate every stride, every run, every ache and pain that I experience, and every runner who does the same.  We just need to keep on running, and keep on running loud… for Meg, for every runner who’s passed on, and for every runner who can no longer run.

Sunday (1/19):  10 miles (Long run with fast finish; 10:19 pace).  Ran the local sidewalks Sunday morning with RunFriend and another runner from the local running club.  The plan was to run 14 miles but my knees and ankles were giving me some issues unfortunately, so we cut the run to 10 miles.  I decided that I needed to end on a good note, and ran the last two miles fast (9:18, 9:27).  Then I headed straight to Starbucks for my favorite drink:  Grande Non-fat Cafe Misto.  Nice and strong!



Week’s Stats:  15.25 miles, 135 minutes of Yoga, Ab workout

Run This Year, 2014KM Total:  78.38 km

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